Contact Us
Our team is ready to design a portfolio that benefits and makes financial sense for you.
By providing a one-stop solution, we save you valuable time making endless phone calls, talking to multiple agents, and filling out lengthy forms.
We are happy to come to your office or, if you prefer, meet you at our conveniently located office in Uptown, Dallas. Either way, start today by contacting us by e-mail or by phone.
Why wait any longer?
To help us identify your needs and to not waste your valuable time, please take a moment to check the boxes that are of the most interest to you. After you submit your request, an LGT Financial Advisors LLC team member will contact you within 24 hours.
LGT Financial Advisors LLC
2626 Howell Street, Suite 700
Dallas, TX 75204-4064
Phone: (214) 871-7500
Fax: (214) 871-0011
Email: questions@lgt-fa.com